May 17, 2023
Redesigned folder Workflows and organization

Opt-in Workflows for more powerful project management

You can now upgrade any folder in Almanac into a Workflow with status based automations, or keep them off for more flexible, one-off Reviews on individual documents.

New folders in your workspace now start as a simple container, with the ability to add metadata via custom properties. Normal folders enable you to send multiple Feedback or Approval Requests per doc without needing to adhere to a status-based process.

If you'd like to add structured rails to your process or project, turn on Workflows from the Folder Settings menu to create statuses and attach automations to them. Workflows can be turned off or on at anytime, in case you change your mind.

Board views in Folders have been redesigned as the designated process and project management space in Almanac. New folders created as a Board will have Workflows turned on by default, so you can hit the ground running on any project.

Add doc mentions and external links into folders

Make your Almanac folders a single source of truth for every team, project, and process—even if some of the work lives in other places. From your folder's left rail, you can now:

  • Mention Almanac docs that live in another folder for easy access.
  • Paste a link to import docs from Figma, Canva, Airtable, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and more integrated tools.
  • Create external links to content from outside sources (such as Google Docs).

Enhanced folder and document copy functionality

When you copy folders in Almanac, we'll now transfer over your original folder's views and workflows, allowing you to easily re-use established project management processes.

Additionally, when you copy a doc from inside a folder, you can now choose to create it as a linked version or an unlinked copy:

  • Linked versions are automatically linked to the main doc. Use them to keep track of related versions, and to access the complete history of a doc in one place. Linked copies can be compared and merged into a new or existing document.
  • Copies are unlinked to the original doc. Copies are great for templates, such as an engineering scoping doc or a product requirements template, that will be reused over and over.

Finally, copied docs will carry over their original properties, even when you move docs across workspaces.

A streamlined right rail experience

To give you more room to write, edit, and review docs, we've changed the right rail to an overlay with a vertically aligned menu.

Docs load with the rail menu collapsed; you can now open any tab as a tray by clicking on its icon. Once you expand the overlay menu, it stays open for easy access to formatting and collaboration. Collapse it for distraction-free reading and writing by clicking on the open menu item, or directly outside of the overlay.

Creature of habit like us? You can convert the overlay menu to a traditional sidebar by clicking the button at the top right of your doc (it's next to "Share").

Quality of life improvements

  • We resolved an issue where a doc would not display backlinks if the original mention was formatted as a Card.
  • When you switch workspaces, the folder contents in left rail of your new workspace update automatically without having to refresh.
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Bug Fixes